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Frequently Asked Questions - Be Well

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meditation?


Meditation in a nutshell, is the practice of mind and body techniques. The purpose is to clear the mind and body of external distractions so you can focus clearly within. Many people experience different forms of enlightenment, they can make better decisions and tune in to the rhythm and vibrations of the universe. Better sleep, relaxation, focus and an [...]

What is intellectual wellness?


Intellectual Wellness @ Be Well We all need opportunities to expand our intellectual abilities, express our curiosity and create what inspires us. Take a moment to learn something new. Knowledge is power and wisdom is power. Even learning a very simple thing can be significant. Never underestimate how learning new things can benefit you in ways you didn't imagine [...]

What is financial wellness?


Financial Wellness @ Be Well Financial health means having enough to meet your current needs while also making good choices to protect your future finances and live the life you want. Understanding how to spend and save that isn't based on emotions or unhealthy social pressures is called financial intelligence. And when you can make intelligent choices and have [...]

What is environmental wellness?


Environmental Wellness @ Be Well From climate change to the pollution of air and water, the environment around us is changing in ways that are harmful to our health. True wellness means creating a safe world to live in. In every aspect of our lives no matter how small or large, there is a way to do it in [...]

What is emotional wellness?


Emotional Wellness @ Be Well Good emotional health allows us to be more self-aware and capable of deeper connections with others. It’s also the secret weapon against stress and depression. Emotional health is also about allowing yourself to feel emotions deeply without letting them make the decisions for you. It is through the deep emotions that we form lasting [...]

What is spiritual wellness?


Spiritual Wellness @ Be Well Although we can’t see our spiritual health, we can feel it. And we all know when something feels right and good, and we know when something is not right. Spiritual health is the ability to understand these things because of a connection to the external life force of the universe. Spiritual health is also [...]

What is social wellness?


Social Wellness @ Be Well Being able to form deep, meaningful relationships is essential to our well-being. Connections to other people make us feel happy and are good for our physical health. Many people struggle with social issues such as anti-social behavior or being too dependent on others for attention. As with all things, balance is the key. Taking [...]

What is physical wellness?


We all took Physical Education (PE) in grade school. The reason for that is because some physical exercise is important for all living beings, from childhood to adults. We all want to feel healthy, fit, and energetic. Physical health leads to increased feelings of well-being and a longer, healthier life. Exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good chemical produced by the [...]

What is occupational wellness?


Occupational Wellness in essence, is finding meaning and value through our work. The main ideas behind this include making good choices for long term success, managing our own expectations, working well with others, acquiring the necessary skills and tools to grow at your job. Other signs of occupational wellness include the ability to balance work with health and home, [...]

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