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Frequently Asked Questions - Be Well

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I meditate for just five minutes?


You can start out meditating for just 2-3 minutes and gradually build up to more according to our article Four Tricks to Make Meditation Work for You. When starting out, trying to do ten minutes of meditation can feel like getting up off the couch and attempting to run a marathon. Learning how to find stillness and quiet takes [...]

Can I meditate lying down?


Sitting upright is the most used meditation position. Meditation while lying down is generally thought to lead to sleep and is best used for that purpose. Upright meditation position is considered to be the best method because you can also practice posture, spine and breathing while meditating. Do you have a question that isn't [...]

What should I wear when doing yoga or exercise?


When doing yoga, tai chi or other exercise, some people prefer loose, comfortable clothing and others want to wear form fitting attire for a sculpted look. For beginners who might feel self-conscious or are struggling with their weight, a loose t-shirt and shorts or sweatpants are acceptable. It's important the clothing offers enough support in the right areas if [...]

What should I wear when meditating?


When meditating most people prefer loose, comfortable clothing. For beginners who might feel self-conscious or are struggling with their weight, a loose t-shirt and shorts or sweatpants are acceptable. Meditating should not be stressful, so any comfortable clothing is acceptable even a robe and slippers. Others meditate while walking or doing light exercise and, in that case, walking shoes [...]

What are the scientific benefits to wellness?


Overall wellness equates to improved health. Some of the scientific benefits of overall wellness include reduced stress which means less stress enzymes in the blood and can lead to lower blood pressure. Wellness may also help with memory loss. If your wellness program includes physical exercise like yoga or tai chi, the benefits can include weight loss and increased [...]

How do I meditate?


According to this article, “Four Tricks to Make Meditation Work for You”, start out by picking a good time when you are relaxed. Clear the room of distractions and put on cozy clothing. Sit comfortably. Start with a few minutes of mindful meditation, and gradually add more time as you want. Experiment with different times of day to see [...]

Why should I meditate?


We all know someone who seems like a nervous ball of energy with too many issues swimming around in their mind, and no one wants to be that person. It's easy to recognize in others, but harder to see it in ourselves. Meditation is a tool used to calm the mind so that a person can approach life in [...]

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