We all want to be the best possible version of ourselves. There is always room for improvement, and this presents us with a choice; we can choose to grow or contract. As we move through our lives, we either invest in becoming better or remain stagnant.

Growth is much more exciting and fulfilling.

Learning something new is one of the primary ways we expand our mind, body, and spirit. One of the amazing parts of being human is the drive to discover and explore new things. As our understanding of the world enlarges, so does our capacity for empathy, connection, and meaning.

People are always capable of learning new things as long as they are willing to put in the effort.

Read Books

Reading a good book is one of the great joys of life. There are few better ways to gain new knowledge and insight than to read the words of someone who can share their expertise or perspective.

It’s easy to get too busy to busy to read, or worse, only read short snippets on your phone. The act and process of reading a physical book are essential to building knowledge. Scanning information on your phone isn’t the same as taking the time to read a book in-depth and will not result in the same level of learning. (1)

There is no substitute for a physical book when learning something new.

Reading books is a great way to learn new things.

Ask Questions

If you don’t truly listen you can’t learn from others. Taking the time to focus and engage with those around you and ask meaningful questions is an easy, everyday way to stay curious. You might be surprised what you can learn from people you know, just by asking a good question.

Ask questions to stimulate your brain

Educate Yourself

When you run across a skill you need at work or an interesting topic you are not familiar with, educate yourself. Instead of skipping past what you don’t know and staying in your comfort zone, cultivate a beginner’s mindset. Admit to yourself when you don’t know something and get in the habit of seeking out new information.

You know what motivates you and how you learn best. Ultimately, you are your best teacher.

Explore new things and always keep learning.

Talk to New People

As we move through our adult lives, our circle of friends often shrinks. It is normal to invest our time in a small group of loved ones; however, if we become closed off to new people, we miss out on a valuable source of learning.

Take advantage of any opportunity to connect with someone different from you. Getting to know people from different backgrounds will expose you to new things and expand your ability to empathize and see the world with a fresh perspective. (2)

Talk to New People

Attend a Conference or Class

Learning alongside other people provides the chance to enhance your knowledge, as well as network and glean insight from experts in the field. Attending a conference or class can be energizing and motivating. The enthusiasm generated by being surrounded by other people interested in the same thing will fuel your drive to keep growing your skills.

Learning alongside other people provides the chance to enhance your knowledge, as well as network and glean insight from experts in the field. Attending a conference or class can be energizing and motivating. The enthusiasm generated by being surrounded by other people interested in the same thing will fuel your drive to keep growing your skills.
Learn new skills and take on new challenges.

Be a Lifelong Learner

Continuing to grow and expand throughout our lives requires commitment. As we get older, some aspects of who we are may feel increasingly set in stone. The busier we get, the easier it is to stick to what we know and let our curiosity fade.

But just as we can choose to let our world contract over time, we can instead choose to expand and grow. Intentionally engaging with new ideas and new people challenges us to become better people. It is also an essential step on the path to a life of happiness and fulfillment.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

― Mahatma Gandhi
