Stress is a natural part of life. None of us can escape it, and we all have to find ways to manage it. Some stress is healthy as it energizes the brain and encourages us to work hard or achieve a goal. (1)

However, ongoing chronic stress is never healthy and, when not managed, deteriorates mental and physical health.

Caring for mental wellness is critical, not only for physical health but also for its vital role in our levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and success at work. (2)

Mental Health on the Job

When we feel mentally sharp and focused, productivity at work is easy. We’ve all had times when we’ve experienced what is known as the “flow” state where ideas come quickly, and we effortlessly produce great work.

On the other hand, when we feel mentally sluggish or down, completing meaningful work can feel impossible. Tasks take twice as long to complete, and our enjoyment of work is much less. This feeling of mental sluggishness can be a result of poor mental health.

The toll of dealing with poor mental health manifests in many different ways. At work, the most common sign is low productivity. (3) Feeling unable to be productive can become a cycle where the lack of productivity is discouraging, causing increased stress and mental strain. This leads to poorer mental health and, in turn, even less productivity.

We All Want to Succeed at Work. This is positive mental health on the job or at the workplace.

We All Want to Succeed at Work

Engaging in work that matters to us is an important source of fulfillment and happiness. This is especially true for anyone struggling with their mental health. (4) Finding ways to be productive and focused at work is an essential step in caring for mental health.

Conversely, finding ways to manage stress and increase feelings of calm is an important step in workplace wellness.

The better our mental health, the better our job performance and satisfaction. And the better our job performance and satisfaction, the better our mental health.

The Big Picture of Being Healthy on the Job

Choosing habits that care for mental wellness is no longer an optional part of being healthy. In the past, it felt as though there was a stigma attached to mental health topics or awareness at work, but no longer. More and more workplaces support the holistic health and well-being of their employees.

A vision of health at work that only considers the health of the body is incomplete. Being physically fit to function at work does not guarantee success. Mental fitness is equally important, which means engaging in mental health practices that build resilience and minimize stress.

In order to achieve your goals and be maximally productive at work, your mind must be up to the challenge. Investing in mental wellness is investing in career success.
