We all come into this world with a set of inborn desires.

What motivates each of us can vary, but many of our basic desires are based on genetics and evolutionary survival instincts. The need to be safe or free of pain are therefore universal impulses to which we can all relate. Other desires like being able to learn new things or be inspired may be new to our awareness.

Scientists have been striving to understand the desires that drive human behavior for thousands of years. Many theories have identified anywhere from two basic desires to as many as sixteen. All the theories have in common the acknowledgment of the role our basic needs play in well-being. (1)

What Are the Twelve Basic Desires

Our basic desires influence our actions in daily life, whether we are aware of them or not. As a result, understanding how they motivate and impact us is essential to direct their influence positively. To keep things straightforward, we will focus on a set of twelve desires that are vital for us to be well.

To Be Happy

Happiness is a state in which we experience feelings of contentment and pleasure. (2) It is a state we all desire and seek out.

Feelings of happiness make us healthier and more resistant to disease. (3) The opposite is also true. Being unhappy or depressed is associated with poor health and wellness.

Desiring happiness is a natural part of being human. To be happy is to be well.

Happiness is a state in which we experience feelings of contentment and pleasure. (2) To be happy is a state we all desire and seek out.
Gratitude is a powerful tool to improve our wellness. We instinctively know that we feel better when we are grateful for what we have, and the more we look at life from a place of thankfulness, the healthier we become.

To Be Thankful

Gratitude is a powerful tool to improve our wellness. We instinctively know that we feel better when we are grateful for what we have, and the more we look at life from a place of thankfulness, the healthier we become. (4)

To Have Peace and Relaxation

A life that doesn’t contain times of relaxation and peace quickly becomes unpleasant. Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and relaxation is essential to prevent the build-up of tension and its negative health consequences.

A life that doesn’t contain times of relaxation and peace quickly becomes unpleasant. Find peace and relax with WellnessTool.com. Be Well.
The ability to concentrate our attention allows us to be creative and productive at tasks that we enjoy.

To Focus and Concentrate

The ability to concentrate our attention allows us to be creative and productive at tasks that we enjoy. It is also essential to our ability to have deep, meaningful relationships. If our mind is continually jumping from one thing to another, we miss out on many of the good moments of life.

To Be Inspired and Motivated

We all seek out sources of inspiration. Hear others’ stories or be inspired by the wonders of nature, thus motivating us to be creative, connected, and engaged with the joys of life.

We all seek out sources of inspiration. Discover motivation at WellnessTool.com
Meeting our need for sleep allows us to experience good health, a better mood, and the energy to meet our other needs.

To Sleep Well

The need to sleep is inescapable. We all desire enough good-quality sleep. We’ve all experienced what happens when this need is unmet.

Meeting our need for sleep allows us to experience good health, a better mood, and the energy to meet our other needs. (5)

To Be Physically Active

Our bodies and minds are made for movement and activity. Our health and well-being are negatively impacted when we are deprived of activity. (6)

Being active in the body brings physical health and energy and finding activities that engage the mind helps us feel sharp and engaged.

Being active in the body brings physical health and energy and finding activities that engage the mind helps us feel sharp and engaged. This is the path to be well.
Learn techniques to heal and manage pain at WellnessTool.com.

To Heal and Be Free of Pain

Experiencing a health crisis or a time of illness demonstrates pretty quickly our need for pain-free health and healing. We all want to feel well.

While times of sickness are inevitable, our drive to feel strong and vibrant can lead us to make better health choices.

To Learn Something New

The impulse to learn and grow is hardwired into our brains. This is especially apparent in children and their curiosity and exploration of the world around them.

Continuing to learn is just as important as we age, and helps us to be well. Adults who regularly pick up new skills or try new things keep their brains healthy and stave off cognitive decline. (7)

Continuing to learn is just as important as we age. Adults who regularly pick up new skills or try new things keep their brains healthy and stave off cognitive decline.
Growing as a person or improving our skills or habits provides a feeling of accomplishment and higher self-esteem levels.

To Improve and Get Better

Growing as a person or improving our skills or habits provides a feeling of accomplishment and higher self-esteem levels. As a result, we all want to become the best versions of ourselves and to contribute more to the world around us.

To Have Financial Security

One of the most significant potential sources of stress is lacking the means to meet our basic needs for food, shelter, and clothing. In this day and age, seeking a good job that provides financial stability is a strong driving force in our lives.

Meeting all our other needs becomes easier when we can truly meet our need for basic security.

Improve your financial wellness using tools at Be Well.
Our desire for a safe place to live encompasses our physical safety at home, as well as the health and safety of the climate, air, and water around us.

To Have a Safe Environment

Our desire for a safe place to live encompasses our physical safety at home, as well as the health and safety of the climate, air, and water around us.

The ongoing degradation of the world we live in negatively impacts our physical health and our mental outlook. (8) In essence, we all need to live in a world that feels safe and cared for in order to be well.

Letting our Desires Link us to Wellness

Driving our habits and actions are the interaction and influence of these 12 desires. Consequently, meeting these needs is essential to be well, but it is easy to engage in unhealthy behaviors in an effort to satisfy a poorly understood desire.

Knowing our needs equips us with the knowledge necessary to choose healthy ways to meet them. We are thus not subject to the whims of our hopes and desires. We can choose to work with them and build a life of greater wellness.
