Even healthy people benefit from regular preventative care. In fact, true wellness is not only being free of current health problems but also making choices to enhance future wellness.

Preventative care includes routine health screenings as well as activities aimed at the prevention and early identification of health concerns. (1) Hence, addressing problems before they advance is critical to preserve health and well-being.

Unfortunately, only about 8% of people get all recommended screenings and preventative care that are available. (2) The risk of missing out on this type of wellness care includes increased suffering related to disease, reduced quality of life, and financial difficulties. (3)

So, taking advantage of preventative care is an essential tool for long-term wellness.

Essential Preventative Care

Preventative Care

The type of preventative healthcare best for you depends on your age, gender, genetics, and physical condition. 

Most young adults have lower preventative care needs than those past middle age. Naturally, older adults or those with pre-existing health conditions require more preventative services. 

Of course, your doctor is the best resource for an individualized plan. However, the average adult can benefit from the following:

Regular Dental Cleanings

Preventing tooth and gum decay will preserve your teeth in your later years. In fact, you will be able to enjoy a wide variety of food and reduce the likelihood of mouth pain or tooth loss.

Yearly Physical Exams

Preventative Care

Meeting with your doctor once a year to discuss any health concerns and to undergo select screenings can address issues before they become a big problem. Also, your doctor will likely order tests to identify health conditions that may arise with age or lifestyle habits. For instance, these may include:

  • Blood pressure screening
  • Bodyweight monitoring
  • Blood tests to check for diabetes, kidney function, liver function, lipid levels, thyroid function, and vitamin D.
  • Mental health screening
  • For men: prostate exam
  • For women: gynecologic and breast exam

Cancer Screenings

In addition to the standard tests performed in a yearly physical, more thorough cancer screenings are recommended as we age. While few of us look forward to undergoing these exams, the benefit of early identification of cancer or other health issues is worth the discomfort.

By the age of 45-50, most adults should undergo these recommended cancer screenings (4):

  • Colon cancer screening (colonoscopy)
  • Lung cancer screening
  • For women: breast cancer screening (mammogram)
  • For men: prostate cancer screening

If you have a family history of certain types of cancer, your doctor may recommend genetic testing or early screening. Of course, it’s essential to get a preventative care plan unique to your individual risk.


Preventative Care

Most adults can benefit from routine vaccinations to prevent common diseases. Getting a vaccine protects not only your own health but also your loved ones and other vulnerable people in your community.

Common vaccines your doctor may recommend include:

  • Flu
  • COVID-19
  • Shingles
  • HPV
  • Tdap
  • Tetanus

Preventative Care Enhances Wellness

While we all hope our bodies and minds will function in peak condition for our whole lives, the reality is often very different. Indeed, the human body is both incredible and imperfect.

We are lucky to live in the age of modern medicine, where we have access to preventative care that can enhance wellness.

In addition, taking advantage of all available wellness tools includes staying on top of our preventative care. In fact, it’s an investment in our future health and well-being.