Workplace wellness programs are a hot topic and for good reason. Increasingly, employers acknowledge their role in promoting or negatively impacting their workers’ health.

Because many people spend half their time at work, the culture companies create determines their employees’ well-being. Of course, healthy and productive workers are crucial to the success of the business. In fact, this awareness has led to the growth of workplace programs that address employees’ wellness needs.

While workplace wellness programs require an investment, they have consistently shown worthwhile returns. (1) The trick to success is investing in programs employees will actually take advantage of. In addition, it’s not uncommon for a full 60% of employees to be non-participants in the wellness opportunities available at work. (2)

To get everyone involved, it’s essential to meet employees where they are at and provide wellness choices relevant to their needs.

Flexible Working Hours

Flexible Working Hours

As technology has changed the world around us, many companies have re-evaluated the rigid 8 hours a day/40 hours a week schedule. Instead, giving employees the option to work non-traditional hours or flexible hours can significantly increase job satisfaction. In fact, researchers are finding that employees who have more control over their schedule are happier and more productive. (3)

Remote Work Options

Employees who have remote work options are more likely to be loyal to their company and experience joy in their work. (4) In particular, the number one reason workers say remote work is such a wellness boost is the improvement in work-life balance. Less time spent commuting, and a relaxed home environment create an ideal situation where workers experience less stress and more contentment in their job.

Onsite fitness

Onsite Fitness

Regular physical activity is one of the most important components of health. Having quick access to a gym at work removes what is often a significant barrier to physical activity; making time to go somewhere to exercise. Employees are more likely to fit in daily movement if a fitness center is available to them at work. (5)

Making it possible for employees to integrate fitness into their daily work life will improve their personal wellness and positively impact the companies’ bottom line. Healthy workers mean fewer company dollars spent on healthcare.

Stress-relieving Programs

Offering yoga or meditation classes during the workday is a top-rated and effective wellness program. Yoga is well-documented as building resilience to stress and enhancing well-being. (6) Employees who take part in a yoga class at work report feeling calmer and happier during the workday, which provides a boost to productivity. (7)

Helping employees manage their stress has a ripple effect throughout the workplace.

Meeting the Need for Wellness

Companies are uniquely placed to influence the health of their employees positively. When they listen to what the employees really want and are willing to think outside the traditional work model, businesses will enhance their workers’ well-being and be more successful at the same time.

Caring for employees and making it possible for them to care for themselves is good business.
