As Annie Dillard said: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

When we make choices that contribute to holistic wellness, we have the potential to live longer and experience greater well-being and years of healthy life.

The current life expectancy in the US is about 78 years. (1) But, this number doesn’t tell the whole story.

While you may live well into your seventies, most people in the US only experience good health into their mid-60’s. (3) This leaves a decade-long gap where you may deal with increasing disease, illness, and disability.

Aging is a normal part of being human. However, no one wants to spend the waning years of their life unable to do the activities they love. Living life to its fullest right up until the very end is how most of us hope to go. That is why the lifelong impact of wellness is so significant.

Living Well, Longer

Lifelong Impact of Wellness

Living longer is not the only metric by which we determine wellness. Of equal or even more importance is how well we live during all the years we are alive.

As we know, wellness encompasses more than physical health. In fact, it includes our relationships, financial stability, work satisfaction, and so much more. If asked to make a list of what they hope to be doing in later life, many people would include things such as playing with their grandchildren, contributing to their families and communities, traveling, and maintaining independence.

Living to a ripe old age isn’t enough. Having the vitality to be active and engaged in all of life’s pleasures is our true desire.

Hence, wellness is how we get there.

Healthy Habits Lead to a Healthy Life

It’s no secret that exercising and eating well is good for you. When combined with maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, and not drinking in excess, these habits can add a decade to your lifespan. (3)

But, these are not the only wellness habits that extend your life. In fact, influences on longevity come from every dimension of our well-being, including:

  • Strong social connections (4)
  • Feeling happy (5)
  • Establishing healthy sleep habits (6)
  • Being disciplined and organized (7)
  • Having a positive outlook on life (8)
  • Healthy stress management (9, 10)

All of these healthy habits contribute to longevity. In addition, they lay the foundation of wellness necessary to enjoy more years of healthy life.

The Lifelong Impact of Wellness

Lifelong Impact of Wellness

The secret to living longer lies in cultivating multidimensional wellness that improves the quality of every aspect of your being. The ultimate goal is to extend not just the years of your life but also how many years are well lived.

Achieving a long, prosperous life requires a deep commitment to the whole meaning of wellness. It is a commitment that offers immediate benefits. And true wellness will continue to pay out for years to come.