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Wellness Blog – Daily Mindfulness
There are eight types of wellness. These 8 dimensions include emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, and work / occupational / vocational. Use our wellness tool to discover more.

There Are Eight Types of Wellness

… and Be Well does them all
Emotional Wellness

Good emotional health allows us to be more self-aware and capable of deeper connections with others.

Environmental Wellness

True wellness means creating a safe world to live in, inclusive of the air, water, and Earth.

Financial Wellness

Financial health means being able to take care of your current needs while making good choices for the future.

Intellectual Wellness

We all enjoy learning new things and picking up new skills. Let your curiosity inspire you.

Physical Wellness

We all want to feel healthy, fit, and energetic. Physical health can lead to a longer, happier life for you.

Social Wellness

Forming deep, meaningful relationships with other people is essential to our well-being.

Spiritual Wellness

A healthy connection with our spirit fosters resilience and empathy. It also provides meaning and purpose.

Workplace Wellness

A sense of accomplishment is essential to wellness. We all want to do work that brings joy to our lives.

Recent Articles on Wellness

If Wellness Was a House

True wellness requires a view of the big picture. Or maybe just look around your house. Just like the home you live in, you [...]

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